How To Remove Sweat Stains & Deodorant Stains

While sweat is a natural bodily function, soaked armpits are never pleasant and can leave dark or yellow marks on your favourite clothes. You might think that applying deodorant is the key to avoiding sweat stains, but think again - deodorant can leave its own white or yellow stains behind.
However, there is no need to worry about sweat stains on white shirts, jumpers or dresses with Vanish. In this guide, Vanish will show you how to clean yellow armpit stains with its powerful Oxi Advance formula. Sweat and deodorant stains can be stubborn, but it’s nothing Vanish can’t handle. Read on to learn how to remove sweat stains and deodorant stains, breathing new life into your white and coloured clothing.
What Causes Yellow Pit Stains?
If you want to know how to clean embarrassing sweat stains on your favourite outfits, it’s helpful to be aware of what causes those unpleasant patches.
Sweat by itself is actually colourless and odourless. A sweat stain can happen when sweat comes into contact with other chemicals, such as aluminium which is found in some deodorants. The underarm area is often prone to staining because of the apocrine sweat glands, only found in the armpit. Apocrine sweat contains more proteins and fats, which also contribute to staining. Aluminium and apocrine sweat mix with sebum on the skin to create those unpleasant yellow stains on your favourite garments.
One of the biggest factors that causes underarm staining is your choice of deodorant. Not only can it cause the chemical reaction that creates sweat stains, but deodorant itself can also leave behind white stains. This occurs when too much deodorant is applied, and isn’t allowed to dry before putting on clothing.
How To Prevent Sweat Stains
- Try different deodorants. Avoid products that contain metals like aluminium, and try different brands until you find one that doesn’t react with your sweat to cause stains.
- Act quickly. Sweat stains, unlike a coffee spill or grass stain, build up over time. If you are prone to sweat rings, it’s important to act fast when you notice sweat stains, and use a stain remover like a Vanish stain removal product.
- Spot clean your clothes. If you’ve been working up a sweat, rinse out the underarm area of your clothing. Try not to let sweaty shirts and clothes sit for too long before they get a wash.
How To Remove Sweat Stains From Clothes

- 1st time amazing stain removal results even in cold and short cycle washes
- Amazing stain removal first time & whiter whites* *vs greyed fabrics after 10 washes
Fully dissolve ½ scoop (30g) in 7L of warm water (max 40°C).
For best results soak whites or colours for 2 hours.
After soaking, wash as usual with Vanish In-Wash instructions. Tough stains may require repeat applications.
For best results on stains, rub stains before rinsing.
- Vanish Napisan Oxi Advance Crystal White Powder: 1.5 scoops (90g) + detergent
- Vanish Napisan Oxi Advance Multi Power Powder: 1 scoop (60g) + detergent
- Vanish Napisan Oxi Advance Crystal White Powder: 1 scoop (60g) + detergent
- Vanish Napisan Oxi Advance Multi Power Powder: Half scoop (30g) + detergent